Reminder – Two Important Events This Week!

Don’t forget about these two big events of interest happening this week!

First up, tonight (Tuesday), there will be a town hall meeting to discuss issues around airplane noise over Sunnyvale.  Representatives from the various airports and elected officials will go over the current situation, the causes, and what can be done about it.  This will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center Ballroom, and it’s an opportunity to let the decision-makers know what you’re experiencing.

Second is a big event – the groundbreaking for the start of the Sunnyvale Town Center redevelopment!  This will be Wednesday the 19th at 11:00 a.m. at the corner of McKinley and Murphy.

Hope to see you there!

10/04/2016 Council Preview – Single Story Overlays and Ballot Positions

This looks like a surprisingly simple night.

We start the evening with no closed sessions, no study sessions.  Just an hour and a half of board and commission candidate interviews.  The general session starts out with not one but two special orders of the day.  One recognizes October as National Arts and Humanities Month. The other recognizes October 16-22 as Freedom from Workplace Bullying Week.  We then get a progress report from the County on the cold weather shelter being set up at 999 Hamlin.

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Sunnyvale Town Center Closes Escrow

In the Silicon Valley Business Journal, Bryce Druzin (my new best friend, now that Nathan Donato-Weinstein went to the City of San Jose and is therefore dead to me) reports that the Sunnyvale Town Center has closed escrow.  Wells Fargo no longer owns the property, and the new development team of Sares Regis, Hunter Storm, and JP Morgan has taken possession of the property.

This is a huge deal, and I’ll explain some of what’s happening and what it means.  Escrow started back in December, when the Redevelopment Successor Agency (us) approved of the proposed new buyer of the property.  It’s more complicated than that – there were a couple of separate transactions and a couple of separate escrows, since the parties wanted to separate out the finished office buildings from the rest of the project.  Regardless, there were a lot of legal hurdles that had to be overcome, and this is my best understanding of everything.  The new developer wasn’t going to buy the new property without an updated development agreement with the Successor Agency.  We approved that back in, oh, June or so.  And any new development agreement and resolution of property tax issues involved the redevelopment successor agency.  So that required further approval.  The first approval had to come from the redevelopment successor agency oversight board, a board comprised of City, County, and school districts representatives.  That wasn’t a given, because everything we do with the town center has property tax implications that impact those other bodies.

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09/20/2016 Council Preview – Peery Park Specific Plan

We start the evening with a study session on Sunnyvale logo and branding.  Staff and consultants have been working for some time to update Sunnyvale’s branding, consulting with residents, staff, and Council, and we’re going to get a first look at what they’ve come up with.

The general session starts with recognition of October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  The consent calendar is pretty small since we just met last week.  We’ve got a contract related to developing recycled/re-used water systems, increasing contingency for development of the Peery Park Specific Plan, a contract related to Microsoft Office, and a second reading of an ordinance from last week.

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09/13/2016 Council Preview – Filling the Seventh Seat

Sorry this is so late – it’s a busy time.

We start the evening with yet another closed session regarding ongoing labor negotiations.  This is followed by a study session on updating the El Camino Real Corridor Plan.

The general session starts with the swearing-in of Larry Klein as a Councilmember.  This is one of those bifurcated meetings, where we certify the election results without Larry on the dais, then swear him in, then continue business.  Note that we don’t reshuffle seats for this – we only do the seat dance at a January meeting following an election.

We then have a special order recognizing Falls Prevention Awareness Day.

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