07/26/2016 Council Preview

Fairly diverse evening.

We start the evening with a closed session regarding a lawsuit.  Apparently someone’s suing us.  This is followed by our City Attorney’s performance review.  We then have a very short meeting of the redevelopment successor agency, to approve our last meeting’s minutes and to consider a budget appropriation for outside legal counsel for the Town Center development.

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07/12/2016 Council Preview – November Ballot Measures

This may actually be a short meeting for a change.  Never can tell – it’s the simpler items that often make people the most chatty.

We start the evening with a closed session for the City Manager’s annual performance review.  This is followed by a study session regarding VTA’s Next Network Project.

The consent calendar is surprisingly small – approving an application for a grant to help fund amenities in and around a new affordable housing complex, a modification to the smoking ordinance, and second reading of the ordinance involving parking on unpaved surfaces.

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A Friendly Competition Between Sunnyvale’s Neighborhoods

Forwarding this announcement from Tim Oey verbatim, since he said it better than me…

On July 9th, Sunnyvale will launch a Neighborhood Challenge in its IGreenSunnyvale mobile phone app. Residents are invited to participate in this fun challenge and “buzz” their sustainable actions to win individual and neighborhood prizes.

To participate in this community-wide challenge, download IGreenSunnyvale for free on your Android or Apple smart phone and keep an eye out for the Neighborhood Challenge. When the challenge appears on your phone, join your neighborhood’s team on the app. “Buzz” your sustainable actions in the app from July 9-17 and help your neighborhood’s team win the challenge!

igreensunnyvale-logoFor more information, visit Energize.inSunnyvale.com.

Tip: download the app now and practice buzzing some green actions so you get your fingers warmed up and can get off to a fast start once the challenge starts. 🙂

Sunnyvale Air Traffic

Last night, Mayor Hendricks and I attended a community outreach meeting organized by Congresswoman Eshoo, Congressman Farr, and the FAA, to discuss changes to air traffic in the Bay Area and possible mitigation to the increased noise being generated by the new routes.  This was provoked by a massive surge in complaints to the FAA coming from the mid-peninsula cities, which previously were largely undisturbed by overflights, but which can now actually hear them on a regular basis.  Congresswoman Eshoo and others formed a Select Committee consisting of multiple elected officials from throughout the congresspersons’ two districts.  Saratoga and Los Altos Hill’s have representatives, chosen by the Cities Association of Santa Clara County.  Sunnyvale has no representation, since we’re not in those districts, although the Committee is being run by County Supervisor Joe Simitian, whose District 5 includes half of Sunnyvale.  The meeting was attended by a good 500 people, and there were easily 200 speakers.

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06/28/2016 Council Preview – Annual Budget

Another long day as we catch up on a lot of issues. We start the evening early again with the semi-annual performance reviews of the City Manager and City Attorney. This is followed by a study session (in chambers, actually) to go over the city’s existing policies regarding mobile home parks.  We also have two special orders, first to swear in our new boardmembers and commissioners, second to recognize Parks and Recreation Month.

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