Airplane Noise Update: Citizens Group Playing Dirty Pool With Sunnyvale

As I’ve previously mentioned, the FAA has agreed to a 6-month test period, during which Surf Air flights are being redirected more over Sunnyvale in the hopes of an overall reduction in air traffic noise (the logic being that more time spent over water is less time spent over people).  After that six month period, the FAA will be reviewing the complaints received to determine if it is appropriate to make the redirection permanent.

We’ve been informed that a citizens group calling itself “Calm The Skies” has launched a blatantly dishonest attempt to skew the results of the test period and bias the findings.  This group is calling for a “moratorium” on resident noise complaints, so as to ensure that the FAA finds that the redirection over Sunnyvale “generated fewer complaints”.  This group is basically placing its fingers on the scale, in order to change the outcome of what was supposed to be a fact-based study of the changes caused by the flight diversions.  Simply put, they don’t care about “best practices”.  They just want to toss their garbage over the fence into Sunnyvale’s yard, and they want to trick the FAA into making it legal to do so.

I’ve seen no evidence that this “organization” is anything more than one guy with a WordPress site, although other advocates have interacted with the people behind it.  Nevertheless, I would encourage Sunnyvale residents to contact “Calm The Skies” and voice your opinion of their conduct and tactics.

08/23/2016 Council Preview

Pretty diverse night. We start the evening with another closed session regarding ongoing labor negotiations.  Then comes a biggie – a study session to discuss the draft EIR and the Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE), which has been a long time in the making.

The regular meeting starts with a presentation from Foothill-De Anza.  I’m hoping they’re going to talk about the new Foothill College satellite campus in Sunnyvale.

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Sunnyvale’s Civic Leaders Unite To Defeat November’s Measure M

Sunnyvale’s elected officials, civic leaders and residents have joined forces to defeat Measure M on the November ballot in Sunnyvale.  Measure M revokes Sunnyvale’s authority over its own public land in favor of dozens of costly ballot measures and special elections for even simple office leases.

While proposed with good intent, the authors crafted a measure with unintended consequences that are devastating to Sunnyvale’s core city services – public safety, roads, parks, and library services. The resulting bureaucracy and manpower required to oversee Measure M and ensure compliance would require deep cuts to these services.  Worse, the vaguely-written ordinance would subject Sunnyvale to frequent and repeated lawsuits, handing any disgruntled individual legal grounds to sue to delay or stop any project.  Sunnyvale has first-hand experience with such tactics, due to the Town Center lawsuits, and Measure M would extend that legal vulnerability to virtually all real estate transactions involving public and some private land.

I encourage folks to check out the campaign site at!

Follow-Up on Airplane Noise

Apparently, my post from a couple of weeks ago about efforts elsewhere to deal with airplane noise caught the attention of a bunch of residents who have been having some issues, as well as others who are not happy with some of the stuff I reported.  So I wanted to post an update on what’s been happening since then.  Hopefully, people can forward this, despite its length.

I’ll start with the time-critical news.  The San Mateo County Supervisors are holding two outreach meetings on airport noise caused by Surf Air and their plans to divert the air routes further over Sunnyvale.  They’ve reached out to Sunnyvale and Mountain View to invite us to attend.  This is short notice, but the first meeting is being held by SMC Supervisor Horsley tomorrow, August 16th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Jennings Pavilion, Holbrook Palmer Park, 150 Watkins Avenue, Atherton, CA 94027.  The second one will be held by Supervisor Slocum Wednesday September 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the (Redwood City) Fair Oaks Community Center, 2600 Middlefield Road, Redwood City, CA 94063.

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08/09/2016 Council Preview – Another Single-Story Overlay

We start the evening with not one but two serious study sessions.  The first one presents an update to the plans for the Civic Center Modernization. As you may recall, we looked at an attempt to redo the entire Civic Center at once, but difficulty in identifying funding prevented us from pursuing that. So instead, staff is investigating development of an overall plan for the new campus, with pieces of the plan being done as funding is identified.  For instance (and I’m making this all up), maybe we use existing revenue to redo City Hall and the administrative offices, then we rebuild the library and Public Safety headquarters based on a voter-approved bond.  Anyway, staff will be presenting their latest efforts on that plan.

The second one involves a presentation on the Peery Park Specific Plan.

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