Please mark your calendars for the first of several community outreach events that will contribute towards planning the future of Sunnyvale’s Civic Center. We’ll be holding a Community Workshop on Saturday April 25th in the Library Program Room from 9-12 … Continue reading
Jim Griffith
Another long night. We’re doing a lot of these, because of the ongoing labor negotiations. And this one has the most non-consent items I can remember seeing. We start the evening with yet another closed session to discuss just those … Continue reading
Lotsa big issues being discussed tonight. We start the evening with a study session to review the draft Lawrence Station Area Plan. This was a long time in development, overseen by a citizen committee made up of business owners, neighborhood … Continue reading
We start the evening with a closed session involving labor negotiations with three different units – the Sunnyvale Managers Association (SMA), Public Safety Association (PSOA), and the Communications Officers Association (COA). This is followed by a study session to go … Continue reading
Just a note about a temporary change in water delivery, since it affects about half of the city. Generally speaking, the northern half of Sunnyvale receives water from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC, or Hetch Hetchy), and the … Continue reading