Looks like a long one. We start the evening with two closed sessions. The first one involves negotiations to purchase the Charles Street properties, and the second one is yet another round of labor negotiations. During the general session, we … Continue reading
Jim Griffith
One of the more ludicrous claims being circulated nowadays is that “the City wants to sell 14 acres of the Civic Center!” This takes on many variations, but it invariably degenerates to a bizarre assertion that Sunnyvale wants to sell … Continue reading
Sort of a one-topic evening. We start the evening with yet another closed session to discuss ongoing labor negotiations, but only one pre-meeting session for a change. The general session starts with not one but two special orders. The first … Continue reading
We’ve been hearing a lot of misinformation circulating the city in recent months, some of it propagated by uninformed individuals, some of it being deliberately spread, unfortunately. At any given time, there’s always someone making bizarre claims about the city, … Continue reading
Another diverse night. We’ll be holding this meeting in memory of Sunnyvale resident Michelle Philips, who passed away last month. We start the evening with another closed session regarding ongoing labor negotiations. This is followed by a study session on … Continue reading