Fairly diverse evening. We start the evening with a closed session regarding a lawsuit. Apparently someone’s suing us. This is followed by our City Attorney’s performance review. We then have a very short meeting of the redevelopment successor agency, to … Continue reading
Jim Griffith
This may actually be a short meeting for a change. Never can tell – it’s the simpler items that often make people the most chatty. We start the evening with a closed session for the City Manager’s annual performance review. … Continue reading
Forwarding this announcement from Tim Oey verbatim, since he said it better than me… – On July 9th, Sunnyvale will launch a Neighborhood Challenge in its IGreenSunnyvale mobile phone app. Residents are invited to participate in this fun challenge and … Continue reading
Last night, Mayor Hendricks and I attended a community outreach meeting organized by Congresswoman Eshoo, Congressman Farr, and the FAA, to discuss changes to air traffic in the Bay Area and possible mitigation to the increased noise being generated by … Continue reading
Another long day as we catch up on a lot of issues. We start the evening early again with the semi-annual performance reviews of the City Manager and City Attorney. This is followed by a study session (in chambers, actually) … Continue reading