Mixed night. We start the evening with two closed sessions, one involving ongoing negotiations with the Sunnyvale Managers Association, the other dealing with our efforts to hire a new City Manager.
The general meeting will run for a while before we get to general business. First up is the ceremonial swearing-in of our new planning commissioners, heritage preservation commissioners, and housing and human services commissioner. This is followed by a presentation from PG&E to go over their proposed tree removals on Homestead. Normally, presentations don’t include public comment, but this one will.
There’s a pretty lengthy consent calendar. There’s a $900k grant from DHS and FEMA for a regional communication system, plus another $10k DHS grant. We’re finally selling the condo formerly owned by the retired Parks Director, and we’re even doing so at a profit, which is nice. And we need to increase our Public Safety uniform contract because we’re hiring more officers than originally projected.
Item 2 involves drawing a line and scheduling the study issues that we approved a couple of weeks ago. Staff is recommending deferring three of eight Community Development study issues due to work load.
Item 3 is a change in the classification list to deal with three specific positions.
And item 4 has us starting up the “two-by-two” initiative that I’ve been pushing for a while. This has us potentially pairing up two representatives from Council with two members of a school board for regular informal discussions, to better understand our mutual issues and areas of concern. We’ve received oral support from Fremont Union High School District, so this item will primarily look at picking two members to liaise with FUHSD. But we may pre-appoint representatives to liaise with the other three school districts as well, just so we don’t have to return to this for every district.
That’s about it.
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