Sunnyvale’s Onizuka Land Transfer Awarded Most Creative Deal By SVBJ

At an awards ceremony last night, the Silicon Valley Business Journal awarded Most Creative Deal to Sunnyvale’s handling of the land transfer of Onizuka Air Force Base.  This was a seven year process that only really took off two years ago, when Sunnyvale City Manager Gary Luebbers and the current City Council pretty much tossed out all of the ideas that had been proposed to date and came up with the land swaps and leases that resulted in an expanded Fire Station 5, a new Foothill/De Anza satellite campus, a Veterans Administration R&D facility, and homeless and low income housing on the old armory site.

This was a huge and complicated effort involving multiple land swaps and negotiations between ten different parties, including the Air Force and GSA, the City of Sunnyvale, Foothill/De Anza, the VA, MidPen Housing, Charities Housing, and others.  And it all came together in about two years.

Sunnyvale should feel very proud of what we accomplished with Onizuka, and the SVBJ award is just recognition of our terrific accomplishment.


Sunnyvale’s Onizuka Land Transfer Awarded Most Creative Deal By SVBJ — 10 Comments