Small but significant agenda tonight.
We start the evening with a closed session to discuss potential litigation involving the Sunnyvale Employees Association (and you now know as much about it as I do). This is followed by a study session to discuss the cleanwater program rebuild costs (the Water Pollution Control Plant rebuild).
The consent calendar is pretty small and only involves POs and bids. There’s a purchase order for five new vehicles for Public Safety. There’s a request to reject all bids for repainting 1/5 of the city’s street lights – apparently at the point we were receiving and opening bids, staff became aware of some questions regarding the bidding process that caused them to recommend we start the bidding over, with more clarifications in the process this time. And there’s a request to award a bid for dealing with runoff cleanup from the SMaRT Station. In short, we were sued (like many cities) over the operational process for the SMaRT Station. We reached a settlement where we’d fix certain problems with new processes and changes to the facilities, but the bid for doing so came in considerably higher than anticipated. We’re being asked to approve the modified bid anyways.
Item 2 has us certifying the Environmental Impact Report and approving the Civic Center Modernization Plan. I suspect this will be a big issue with a lot of discussion.
Item 3 has us considering an appeal for a design review of a scrape-and-replace single family home proposal. The owner wants to replace a 2476 s.f. home with a 4782 s.f. home that additionally has a 698 s.f. ADU. The lot coverage of the home would be 51% FAR, 59% with the ADU. The Planning Commission voted 5-2 to deny the application, and staff is recommending approving it with some modifications.
And finally, item 4 has us adding Civilian Assistant Fire Marshall and Senior Hazardous Materials Inspector to our salary table, plus making additional changes to existing positions.