Big agenda, lots going on.
No study or closed sessions, so we get right into it. We start by recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The consent calendar is big – a couple of issues regarding the city’s investments, a couple of grant approvals, contracts involving library acquisitions, water meters, public safety equipment, and a design contract for the WPCP, second reading of the Peery Park ordinance, and a resolution involving ongoing maintenance of the old Sunnyvale Landfill. Then we get into it.
Item 2 has us looking at the frontage road requirement for three blocks of Mathilda in the downtown. Back in 2003, as part of the Downtown Specific Plan, Sunnyvale adopted a requirement that development of three blocks would require a 33′ frontage road – think similar to Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley, where people can pull off of the main road and park. Now, there’s a sense that maybe a smaller requirement allowing for bicycle lanes and wider sidewalks for pedestrians may be more appropriate. There are pros and cons of both implementations, and we looked at this issue in a study session several weeks ago. Now, we have to make the call.
Item 3 has us possibly appointing a new Planning Commissioner to replace one who resigned a few weeks ago.
Item 4 returns the issue of large family child care facilities. Last year, we approved a large family child care facility on Cordilleras. While nobody was too concerned about the specifics of that one at the time, there were a lot of concerns expressed about an existing one just further down – some incompatibilities with the neighborhood that make things unpleasant for nearby houses. So we approved a study issue to look at the requirements we place on these facilities when we approve them. This is going to be a tough issue, because it requires us to balance the huge unfulfilled demand for child care in Sunnyvale with the need to protect homes from undue negative impacts.
Item 5 has us possibly implementing the Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) food container ban. I co-sponsored this item, so it’s obviously of great interest to me.
Item 6 deals with an appeal of a Planning Commission decision involving a new condo complex on Evelyn near Wolfe. One of my colleagues appealed this due to concerns about groundwater contamination nearby.
And item 7 has us appointing a representative to a new county committee called the Expressway Plan 2040 Policy Advisory Board, which is closely tied to the Valley Transportation Agency (VTA).
That’s about it.