This is both a complex and a simple night.
We start the evening with a very large joint study session with the Planning Commission regarding the Butcher’s Corner property, being held in Council chambers. The topic will be the property’s zoning. It’s currently unincorporated county land, and we’re looking to annex it, mostly because we can and we’re being encouraged to do so. But in doing so, it would automatically apply a housing density zoning that doesn’t currently exist. There are concerns that maybe that zoning isn’t correct, so we’ll be discussing it and our options. There is a lot of interest in this topic.
Then we go to the general meeting. We’ve got a bunch of stuff to start with – swearing in a new sustainability commissioner, receiving our Government Finance Officers Association Award, and a special order recognizing Falls Prevention Awareness Day. There are a few consent items to boot – a contract for the stoplights at Remington and Bernardo, a contract for renovating the Murphy Park building, Leadership Sunnyvale funding, and something regarding CalPERS Medical Insurance that I haven’t read through yet. Then it’s on to business.
Item 2 involves bike lanes on Duane Avenue. Pretty straightforward.
Item 3 has us looking at advocacy positions for the League of California Cities. There appear to be only two issues up for consideration – expressing concerns about realignment and prioritizing state water bonds.
And item 4 has us looking at how to hire a recruiting firm for our City Manager search.
That’s it. Pretty simple general business agenda.